This is the starting point for:
>> defacto couples who are separating;
>> married couples who are separating or divorced.
Deciding to separate is not an easy decision, and it can result in serious emotional and financial cost. A financial separation agreement is one way to ease the stress and expense.
A Binding Financial Agreement, is a simple and convenient way to formalise the end of a marriage or a de facto relationship, at least from a financial perspective.
It allows you to document what you think would be a fair and reasonable property settlement instead of leaving that decision up to the courts.
Our Property settlement kit deals with all the usual issues you may face when dividing financial resources, such as ownership of real estate, personal property (cars, furniture, etc), superannuation entitlements, shares, debt, spousal maintenance etc.
Matters relating to children are best resolved by mutual agreement in separate documents, such as a Parenting Plan or Child Support Agreement. We explain why in these FAQ’s.
Some of these issues may seem a little daunting at first, but given the right template to start, some sample clauses and a little guidance, you will be surprised how straight forward it actually is.
Common property settlement issues include:
We’re showing a Sample page from the Separation Agreement for Married Couples- You will choose the right agreement for you when you get to the Members Area
The separation agreement contains provisions for the sale or transfer of property. This page shows sale of property.
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We’ve developed our unique process over several years, and our Australian Legal team will ensure you have a compliant financial separation agreement that provides the sound legal protection you seek.
This includes the mandatory Legal Advice that you MUST receive before signing your financial agreement. This legal advice is your safety net to ensure you fully understand the effect of the agreement.
Our unique process gives you the tools and the confidence you need to finalise your property settlement with a minimum of stress.
We will show you what you need to do, and explain why you need to do it, so your agreement will be strong and stand the test of time.
Our role in the Peaceful Path to Settlement doesn’t stop once you download the agreement. We guide you every step of the way.
In a nutshell – we work with you from start to finish. From the moment you download your agreement to the final signature. We know our stuff, our systems are finely tuned and our customers love us for it!
“The Separation Agreement template was easy to complete and the lawyer allocation process was fast and efficient. I would recommend this service to anyone who has a straightforward separation and needs the Agreement to satisfy the bank. 10/10 for your service!”
J Whittaker
If you do decide to download a document from the internet, only a document drafted to comply with Australia’s Family Law Act and reviewed by an Australian lawyer will protect you. If you can’t speak in person to the staff of the company making the offer. Proceed with caution.
On the other hand if you want to speak with us, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call 1800 608 088.